My Brother Michael - the early life of a teacher

Created by Richard 3 years ago

Michael was my younger brother - there were three of us born to the Rev 'Tigger' Cooke, a country clergyman and his wife Diana.  We grew up in large rambling rectories in a loving and supportive family. He excelled academically and went from Wrekin College in Shropshire to read History at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He was only ever going to be a teacher.  After a brief spell teaching English in Italy and a long forgotten prep school he arrived at Framlingham College some 40 years ago and obviously felt very comfortable.  He has stayed and taught literally generations of some families, retiring at the end of 2020. Framlingham tolerated - indeed probably encouraged - his eccentricities. He had no time for computers, television, travel or most forms of authority, preferring music, reading and study.  He maintained a lively correspondence with many former pupils, many of whom have been writing in his last days at the Hospice. These messages comforted him greatly in his last days.